onsdag 8 juni 2011

Observe Torah

Tor•âh; Instruction or Doctrine, "the Bible," derives from the root יָרָה (yâr•âh), usually found as the hoph•al verbal noun of הוֹרָה (hor•âh; he instructed) and related to מֹארִי (mori; my instructor)—NOT "law." (The prefix ה, ha-, means "the.")

Tor•âh does not mean "Law"—for which there is דִין (din). The Christian de-Judaization to "Old Testament"—implying displacement theology—is extremely offensive.

Another cognate deriving from יָרָה is מוֹרֶה (mor•ëh; instructor, teacher).
Tor•âh is a metonym for the Biblical phrase Dërëkh ha-Sheim comprising Tor•âh shë-bi•khәtâv which specifically stipulates inherent khuq•im and mi•shәpât•im(Biblical terms for Tor•âh shë-bә•al pëh = Oral Torah).

Consequently, Tor•âh is understood by all Orthodox Jews to be the five books of Moshëh (bә-Reish•itShәm•otwa-Yi•qәr•âbә-Mid•bar and Dәvâr•im) codified byMoshëh on Har Sin•ai (also called הַר מוֹרִיָה; ca. B.C.E. 1466) and interpreted authoritatively (i.e. the Oral Law, later Ha•lâkh•âh) thereafter exclusively by Bât•ei-Dinestablished by Moshëh (Shәm•ot 18.24-26) or Nәviy•im. Thus, Tor•âh, as used by Orthodox Jews, includes Tor•âh shë-bi•khәtâv and Tor•âh shë-bә•al pëh. This is the standard convention in Jewish parlance.
Contrary to gentile perceptions, Dead Sea Scroll 4Q MMT has demonstrated conclusively that for Jews—including Ribi Yәho•shua Bën- Dâ•widTor•âh has ALWAYS consisted of two elements:
  1. תּוֹרָה שֶׁבִּכתָב (Tor•âh shë-bi•khәtâv), written Tor•âh; the first five books of Ta•na"kh, and
  2. תּוֹרָה שֶׁבְּעַל-פֶּה (Tor•âh shë-bә•al pëh), namely Ha•lâkh•âh, comprising mi•shәpât (oral case law judgments rendered from Tor•âh shë-bikh•tâv) and khuq•im (legislation), each as determined by the Beit-Din and Nәviy•im (no longer extant apart from the books in Ta•na"kh) understood in harmony with the Kәtuv•im. Hence, Tor•âh includes both the entire Ta•na"kh and Ha•lâkh•âh. Quote: www.netzarim.co.il]

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